Monday, December 17, 2012

Peek At Our Week: First Half of December

The cover for Story's new book
"Do You Take This Quest?"

Story loves doing calligraphy,
and addressing Christmas cards gives her a chance to show off.
Scholar put some pretty elaborate pictures onto the cards,
and some were just colored in stampers.
Song and Sunshine worked hard at getting cards
done as well.
Song is in charge of making sure we don't forget anything.

Many of the cards are "stuck" waiting for a letter.
We made Gingerbread houses in Jr. Church.
Song has been making skirts.
Scholar has finished up the last of his
"before Christmas" school work.
Sunshine is in a goofy face phase.
Song made these for a friend.
Baby Jesus says Waaah,
there is also a black lamb, Mary and Joseph, and a bucket of water.
Santa going down the chimney.
He drew this one for Mamaw.
He got excited when I gave him the glitter glue to use.

Sunshine organized all of the cassette tapes,
mostly by herself.
Sunshine and her younger cousin.
They came for an overnight so parents could go to parties and meetings.
That made 8 extra kids 10 and younger.
3 boys and 5 girls
I was really glad for the extra adult help.
Working on graham cracker houses.
Enjoying the church Christmas party.
Song made the dress.
Each of the kids gets a present.
Sunshine got a doll.
She LOVES it!
Scholar got a drawing kit (he LOVES Cars)
and also a wooden clock -
which he can't wait to paint and put together.
Song was delighted to get shower gel.
She loves this stuff.
And Story got a whole kit of bath stuff.
She loved hers as well.
They totally enjoy this part of the Christmas party.
Song made the skirt.
Scholar making Christmas presents.

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