
Monday, September 17, 2012

Peek at Our Week - Sept 9 - 16

We were so busy cleaning, that we didn't take many pictures.

I'll be posting the results of the cleaning as well as some school room pictures,

Story was given an early Christmas/ late birthday present.
Giraffe print knives
from a friend at church.
She was so excited!

We are currently doing the "Wordless Book"
for Jr. Church.

I'm planning a full post later.

A few things that happened this week....

Sunshine practiced school.

I'm not officially starting her until January,
since she isnt' yet 3.
But I draw pictures with my colored pens and highlighters,
we talk about the drawing,
and she traces it.

Sunshine's new chore
keeping the dog fed and watered.

She takes this very seriously.

Monday night
about midnight
Story started screaming ...
Story never screams.
Not like that any way.

The ref and I flew out the doors,
I from next door,
and The Ref from the door you see there.

And there is story screaming and pointing at

a tarantula!

We don't have tarantula's around here.
But here was a huge one sitting and
"knocking on our back door"

Our best guess is either somebody lost it nearby ...
or let it go in the country.

We put it in a continer -
the flip down lids provided a nice large crack for air to circulate.

We did try to put into a bigger container the next day ...
but it refused to move over into the new home.

We asked on Facebook if anyone knew how to take care of them properly ...

but before we could find it a safe home ..
since it gets too wet and cold for them here.

I think we fed it a bad grasshopper,
because shortly after it ate the grasshopper,
it looked dead.
We were horrified.

Scholar named him
"Sam I Am"

We think it was an Arizona breed of tarantula
or Curly Tarantula
as it has similar coloring to both types.

Above is one of Scholar's many

Comptuer games.

This one is Angry Birds.

And he can sit here and play for over an hour.

Scholar made himself a Jack in the Box.

Sunshine has become an expert
at TV and VCR usage.

Song finally finished her birthday present for Story.

She is overjoyed to be able to sew again.

A friend was given a new keyboard,
and gave/loaned her old one to Song.

Everyday she practices.

Music and Sewing are her bright spots in her day.

This is one of Scholar's 3 fish.
We don't see this one often,
he is usually hiding behind things.

I think he has doubled in size since we put him in there!

Very soon,
his fish will be in his bedroom.

He is SO excited.

Grandma bought hime yellow "SUN" paint for the walls!

As soon as our internet is next door
(now going on 3 weeks at trying to get it re-turned on)
then the Ref will get that room empty
and Scholar gets his own room!

Song also made hersef a cloak.

She is rather big about ZEBRA print ... and PINK.

I guess you noticed Story likes GIRAFFE instead.
She also loves Purple!

Scholar is my Yellow and Camo boy.
He's into nature - trees, fire, sunshine, light.

Sunshine like pink .. and Winnie the Pooh ..
and sparkles. 
Must have the sparkles.
Especially on the shoes.
She's my "Shop Til I Drop" child ...
and is quite offended if Daddy brings home groceries ...
and SHE didn't go with him.

Our week also included ...
discovering that our dishwasher wasn't cleaning dishes
having a large cooler (empty) land on my head
(it fell off of the shelf where we store it)
needing to replace the rear window of our van
a fiasco when the Ref attempted to rent a van
an abnormally high electric bill
getting a "new" address
a cancellation of one of the Ref's games
(and we really needed the money)
clearing and trimming weeds and low hanging branches
Story's hard drive crashing

Tomorrow ... I'll feature the results of hours and hours of work from this week,
from the inside of the house,
and how the school room is progressing.

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