
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Peek at Our Progress - Schoolroom

We spent a great deal of the week cleaning ..

and there is SO MUCH left to do.

Do  you know those 16 squares games,
where you have to move the 15 tiles around
and around
and around ...
and finally you get them into the right order.

that's my house.

This cupboard had become an overrun mish mash of
party supplies
cake supplies
and homeless plastic items.

The girls have been working hard on the Video Nook.
We still have a lot of cases without tapes,
and tapes without cases.

But we are gaining on it.

My closet got a massive overhaul this week.

And for the first time in years and years
The Ref assisted me as we culled out his closet.

These closets are triangular - 3' x 3'
and very dark.

Both dressers have been culled
and the tops have been tamed down.

I still have to do some organizing on the tops.

We moved all of the puzzles and educational games to the school room.
I will use this space to help organize the craft supplies.

I'll be putting the floor puzzles into Scholar's room.

This is the pile of stuff we have culled...
including the vacuum.

We put the linens into the built in dresser,
and all of the pictures on top.

After we had cleaned out this area.

The ref has been hard at work putting things into his new office space.

Story's school desk.
We'll take the left over containers next door for the craft organizations.

Extra school supplies, stampers, chalk, crayons, and science and math tools.
We just have to finish labeling it all.

Song's desk ...
she is currently working on organizing the computer program disks.

Sunshine's desk.
If you look at Song's birthday pictures,
you will see that this was her Christmas present when she was 3.

Scholar's desk.

I see his chore chart got bumped.
I plan to put it back together and up in his room.
But only chores on it.

I'm hoping we can get a workbox system going with the drawers.

Above Scholar are shelves full of puzzles,
clay, paint, and all kinds of manipulatives
that we have been given or purchased over the last 15 years.

Some of this will be finding new homes as Sunshine grows up.
I find this somewhat alarming ...
my baby is almost 3.

Scholar and Sunshine's computer.
The thing with old computers though ...
something is always going wrong.
His sound card quit.
Most of the kids games require a sound card.

So the kids haven't been playing nearly as much.

See the blue laundry basket?
That is full of LeapPad stuff...
my mom bought up tons of it as it dropped prices when
the new systems came out.

That is Scholar's basket.
Sunshine has one just like it,
with Scholar's "My First Leappad" and books.

This is my desk area.
The printer and my record recorder system will sit on the dresser.
The record player was a Christmas gift last year.
It hasn't been out of the box yet,
and I'm so excited to get to use it with the
hundreds of records my parents owned.

After I finish sorting the items on the table,
my computer will go up there.

These are full of school supplies,
between what I had bought myself,
and what my mom had bought for herself,
there is so much to store.
It is tempting to get rid of some of it,
but I know we will use it up over the next 2 or 3 years,
between me and my 2 other sisters who homeschool.

Bird's eye views of the room
from each side of the room.

If you look carefully,
you can see the mobile from the "Fruit of the Spirit"
hanging above Sunshine's desk.

There are also boxes of toys under the table.
Lincoln Logs,
Tinker Toys,
and lots more.
And Sunshine's kitchen will be in here as well.

I have really enjoyed having a spot for the school stuff.
Except for the year we used the Ref's office for school,
we have always just been in the middle of the livingrooms.
or dining rooms.

I'll make an educated guess
that this room is approx 12' x 13'.
When this trailer was an actual independent trailer,
this was the livingroom.

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