
Sunday, April 14, 2013

C is for Creation


C is for Creation

We used Green for the idea of God creating a Green world,
full of plants.

As I was sick this day,
I put everything together and sent off
Story and  Song
to teach the class.

I'm pretty sure that they said something along the lines of ...

God had a big idea,
He decided to create man.
He knew that man would need a lot of special things to live.

First God spoke and there was light,
and he separated the day and night into ONE DAY.
And God said that Day was very good.

On the second day,
God spoke again and created water.
Some of the water went into a special covering of clouds around the earth,
and some of it went into a wet covering right on top of the earth.
And God said that what he created that Day was Very Good.

But God knew that man could not swim forever in the water,
because that was not part of God's plan.
So on the morning of the 3rd day,
God scooped up the land on top of itself so that some land
was under the water, and some land was higher than the water.
Then he spoke and green plants began to grow -
grasses, flowers, trees, bushes ...
everything that you have ever seen for food or beauty grew on that day.
And that was a day and a night on that day,
And God said that what he created that Day was Very Good.

God knew that the plants would need special food to grow,
and God knew that man would need to see during the dark hours,
so God spoke and the sun, moon, and stars appeared in the sky.
The sun, moon, and stars would help man tell time and plan his seasons.

And that was a day and a night on that day,
And God said that what he created that Day was Very Good.

On the Fifth day,
God had something very special planned.
The whole world was silent,
only the sound of the waves from the changing tides was heard as the sun rose in the morning.
God spoke and life appeared the seas,
all manner of fish and sea creatures,
lobsters and shrimp, octopus and sharks, big fish and little fish.
God spoke and life appeared in the air and in the trees.
A male and female of every species of bird and flying creature.
God smiled thinking of how much man would enjoy
listening the songs of the birds
and watching the splash of the fish.

And that was a day and a night on that day,
And God said that what he created that Day was Very Good.

God reached the sixth day.
I'll bet he was pretty excited,
because today he would finish creating his world.

During the morning,
he spoke all of the land creatures into existence,
creatures as large as elephants and giraffes,
and as small as a tiny bacteria.
Then God reached down and scooped up some mud,
he carefully formed a man from the mud
and then he breathed his own life into the man.
He called the man Adam and placed him inside a beautiful garden.

God gave Adam work to do.
God told Adam that his first job was to name all of the animals.
Then he was told that his job was to take care of the plants and animals and
the whole world that God had created.
Adam only had ONE RULE ... only ONE.
Don't eat of the tree in the middle of the Garden.

Don't you think that would be easy to obey?

But Adam didn't find anyone special to be with him among the animals,
so God put Adam asleep,
and took out his rib and made a GORGEOUS GIRL.
I'm pretty sure Adam thought she was the most wonderful girl that he had ever seen!
And God had made her especially for HIM.

Then God gave the world another instruction ....
Go have lots of babies and fill up the earth.

And that was a day and a night on that day,
And God said that what he created that Day was Very Good.

On the seventh day,
God sat around and enjoyed the wonderful world that He had made.

And that was a day and a night on that day,
And God said that everything that he had created was Very Good.


Here are some other resources that I found that you may be interested in using.
The bottom two feature numbers similar to the ones that I used,
which I cannot find the link for currently.

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