
Friday, March 1, 2013

March Goals

There is much happening in March.  We are slowly recouping from a "mild" flu - having it wasn't so bad, mild aches, some tummy problems for a few, severe head and neck aches, low fevers ... and the younger the child, the harder it hit and the faster it was over - the young ones seemed to suffer under 48 hours... but the older we are, the longer it seems to take us to feel up to par.

The weather is entering the month as a lamb - as sunny and mild days - temps into the low 60's and nights approaching the mid 30's.   Too cool to really enjoy being outside, but warm enough to not run the heaters all day.   I'm hoping the weather holds, because we could really use a nice low electric bill.

In March, we hope to visit the nearby Daffodil Farm.  We had planned to attend a seminar by the Maxwell's as well, but we'll not be able to go, even though it is mere miles from us.  The Public Library will be having their annual Book Sale.  Our church will have a sewing day to make dresses for an orphanage in Africa.  The three older kids will be attending a Day Camp on American Heritage hosted by Frontier Girls.   Two of my best friend's babies will be turning 3.  We'll be visiting the big Right To Life Garage least I hope nothing comes up this year.  AND Song is sewing for Easter, AND we will try to get tomatoes planted.   I'm sure other things will arise during the month.

Reffing season is at an end, and the Ref is seriously job hunting again ... praying hard for something, as 5 years without a steady job means that we are no longer with a back up plan.   God has somehow stretched our meager resources out to 5 years.... and we really are not sure how. ...  But our oil jars are running out (referring to a Bible story).

Some major projects include
cleaning out the school room, and rearranging things (and hope it works better)
organizing the clothes in Scholar's room
take a few boxes of things OUT of my house or the school room either for storage or to be gotten rid of
continue working on sorting out Kindle Books
continue working on sorting the VHS and DVD collection
getting our tiny garden up and growing.

Now for the "Repeat Monthly Stuff"

Blogging -
1.  Kiddos With Kindles - Transfer posts keeping to Eagle Nest Blog and Delete. ...  Due to Amazon penalizing any seller/associate catering to Free Kindle Books.

2.  Eagle Nest - Write at least 25 Other Posts on Homeschooling, Crafts, and such.   ---  Anyone have a topic that they would like covered?   Plan to finish up many that I had set up to do in the Drafts folder.

3.  O 'Scarlett - Write at least 10 book reviews  

4.  Wings - my personal scrapbooking blog - Write at least 8 posts - catch up with pictures again

5.  Return to skimming Google Reader daily.  

Project Household Settled
1.  Work some more on Sunshine's room - Declutter
2.  Work more on Scholar's room - Declutter
3.  Work on Craft supplies
4.  Work on Kitchen / Living room / Videos
5.  Work on Master Bathroom organization
6.  FIGHT roaches!
7.  Paint the master bathroom.

1.  Keep using up the food in the freezers.
2.  Go through freezers again later this month and refill the ones next door - empty MY freezer and take to my Aunt's house so she has a freezer of her own (we'll use the big one)
3.  Make meal plans to use up as much odds and ends of stored food as possible - to keep the budget down. 

1.  Be in bed before Midnight - WITH the lights off. 
2.  Have all of the kids in bed by 9pm - and asleep.
3.  More consistent devotional times.
4.  Loose 10 lbs. 
5.  No eating after 7pm.
6.  Walk  two miles every day that the weather co-operates.  
7.  Pay more attention to our schedule that we have posted ... and tweak where needed.
8.  Make big changes in the chore schedules to start teaching new skills to those who need to learn and upgrade chores for Scholar and Sunshine

1.  Make sure everything got mailed ... and delivered.  
2.  Make a plan for next year .... and attempt to make a few things each month to put into a presents box for Christmas and birthdays.
3.  Copy lots and lots of cassettes from our OLD tape collection to give to nieces and nephews on MP3's

1.  Plan out school goals for Sunshine
2.  Find somebody to cut the chalk board in half - get half up in Story's room for her, and the other half up in the school room.
3.  Find someplace to put up the posters and charts in the room - or find the charts a new home.
4.  Learn to use my new label machines.
5.  Declutter the School room - bring some of the craft supplies over to use for school.

Find and enter birthday information into the Reminder program that I found to use.

Or at LEAST get it all into the 2013 calendar!

Remove the useless built in sets of drawers in my bedroom, and turn into a functional living/storage space for the crafts and household extra items that we need and use regularly.  ....  I could REALLY USE SOME ADVICE and HELP .... we have NO money, and we aren't handy with remaking things.


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