
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Snow Day for Christmas

In my entire 44 years of life,
I had only had a White Christmas
When we lived in Longmont.

Snow around here is quite rare.
East Texas has interesting weather.

Usually, we get stuff I've dubbed Sneet.
Sneet is half snow and half sleet - not really all of either,
really cold,
really slippery,
and miserable to be out in.

So it was super exciting to have a snow storm roll in Christmas night.

The thunderstorm that came with it was
.... not fun ....
but it left the world white and beautiful
for playing the next day.


Typical of our area,
not everywhere was white.

But still, where it did stick was often over 2 inches.


It wasn't good for packing,
so not many snowmen showed up in the yard,
and we had a LOT of broken limbs and trees.


It finally finished melting off on Friday.
Which was amazing ... snow never lasts that long around here!

Now we are stuck in the "miserable cold" weather.
Temps drop to freezing at night,
hover in the 40's and low 50's during the day,
and the air feels wet,
with a breeze that eats into your bones.

When I lived in Colorado Springs,
it never ceased to amaze me that I was not as cold there at 20 degrees,
as I always felt here at 40 degrees.

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