
Friday, January 4, 2013

Peek at Our Week - Second Half of December

We went shopping one day ...
Sunshine's favorite part was standing on the big balls.

Scholar wrapped and labeled most of his own gifts.
He made them himself as well.

We didn't have room for a tree -
nor did we feel like pulling out decorations -
so we just piled all of the gifts into the corner.

Sunshine made her own gifts as well.

On the 21'st,
Story went around with a towel all day ...
guess what the "joke" of the day was.

Hint:  It's from a book (series) that was made into a movie ... twice!

Story hard at work making her gifts for each family.

Sunshine got Scholar to help her put together this puzzle a couple of times,
then she put it together herself over 50 times.

She is the first one to show such a puzzle talent at this age!

Song wrote a short play for our church Christmas program on Dec. 23,
and even played her violin for one of the songs.
It was quite a growing experience for her.

On Dec. 24,
every year,
the ref's family gets together for Christmas.
Ten years ago,
it was just Song and Story,
but look how we have grown!
And 2 of them are missing ....
one only wanted her Daddy,
the other lives in the North East Corner of the USA.

And the night of Dec. 25,
it snowed!!!!
This has NEVER happened in my life.
(Other than the year we were in Longmont, CO)
We had 2 and 3 inches in some spots!

The kids spent the next extra cold day running in and out,
playing for a few minutes and running back inside.
We really are not equipped for a lot of snow -
even bundled up, we get quite cold.

It was a wet, windy cold as well,
and ate right into our bones.

It hasn't gone away either,
although it has warmed into the 40's instead of the 20's.

Still, there were lots of spots in the yard
that looked like this.
Lots of patchy sandy spots.

I told Scholar to put his PJ long john's on before he went outside to play.
He did.
But he failed to put on his pants over the top.

At least he had good water proof boots!!!

Story and Sunshine had a blast throwing "snowballs"
this stuff wasn't sticking together much,
so it looked more like throwing hand fulls of snow.

Scholar was mesmerized by the ice hanging from the roof.
We had them 2 years ago,
but he didn't remember them.

On the 29th,
we went to the big city
for Christmas at Aunt and Uncle's house.
We aren't sure what happened to her little tutu,
because we changed her into her PJ's before coming home,
and it didn't come home with her.

When we got there, I mentioned that I had planned for Sunshine to wear her
black and pink tutu she was given for her 3rd birthday,
but it didn't match, and I forgot to say anything to Song
(who was packing and dressing Sunshine for the trip)
and my aunt took her into her store workshop and found this for her to wear all day.
She sure spoils her nieces and nephews.

And she LOVES her hat that they gave her!

The 12 kids were sprawled in various spots playing with DS's  and ipad's.
And snitching candy from the candy jars,
and chocolate strawberries and crackers from the snack table.

Story and Song are again the two oldest, with the other 10
at age 10 down to age 2.
You can see the 10 year old in stripes
standing beside Scholar.

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