
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Texture and Pattern: Photo Fun

September Photo Fun

Today's topic :  Texture and Pattern

To REALLY enjoy the texture of the pictures,
click on them!

A fresh rose in my grandmother's garden
Many years ago.

I just loved the water droplets!

#2 Favorite - Texture/Pattern/Smell

Story was a flower girl
for her aunt's wedding.

I love the smoothness of the silk taffeta dress.

#3 Favorite Texture Memory

This is a punch embroidery
that I made many years ago.

Tons of texture.

A Favorite Texture Picture

My grandmother also has a whole fence line of these flowers.

I've always loved them.

She calls them a "Ten Commandments" flower.

Favorite Pattern Memory.

Song's pet turtle "Rusty"
inside an old hollow log.

My #1 Favorite Texture

One year,
we got a family pass to the zoo.
One day, they offered to let member holders
go behind the fences and see all kinds of areas
not open to the public.
Among petting giraffes and seeing where the "farm" animals
were kept at night, and the elephant house...

We went into the greenhouses.
Where there were endless flowers,
and all kinds of plants.

It was amazing.

# ?  - Pattern Memory.

Story made this hat for Aunt Gardener.
She loves purple.
This was one of the first hats she ever made
with her knitter looms.

# 1 Favorite Pattern

The tracks locally -
Story had just left for her first
and only
train ride with her grandparents.

$4 Favorite pattern

Playing with the camera one day.
I love this one.

I love the pattern contrast -
the dead brown of the fall leaves,
still sitting in the new growth of the early summer grass.

Plum tree.

I love the pattern of the fungal growth that killed them
fuzzing out in black,
against that bright blue sky.

Grill - to keep the dirt out of the storage building.

#5 Favorite Simple Pattern

A cedar tree.
The texture was a lot more pronounced on the full sized picture.

Favorite for Texture
But I'm loosing track of #'s

Our rusty fence of the goat pen.

I love how the pattern of the fence is what is in focus,
and the memory of our goats is fuzzy.

Which of them do you like the best?

Play along here.

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  1. I love them all, seeing the world through your eyes :)

  2. I have had so much fun finding pictures and "walking" back through so many memories. I started with over 60 pics and whittled them down to these. :)

  3. The turtle is soo nice, I love them all. Well done.
