
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Peek at Our Week - Aug. 26 - Sept. 1

Most of this week was spent

the school room.


the Ref says he'll be calling the phone company
this week to get the internet switched
over to this space...
then all 5 internet computers will go downstairs.

Yeah - we have 5 of them.
The ref is also a computer programmer,
and had to have one at home for his job.
We don't have a single smart phone or tablet in the family though.

The ref has 2 - one bought in 2000 (and upgraded)
and a laptop that he was required to purchase to do insurance work.
The insurance work didn't pan out - but he kept the laptop.

My computer was bought in 2004 - for the family.
The ref needed his computer to run programs,
and we couldn't get on to do our work.
So one black Friday, 
this one was on sale ... 
and we happened to have the money.
It was our entire Christmas gift.
It has been upgraded.

Story saved up her money
for almost 3 years,
and bought herself a laptop 
about a year ago.

Song was working hard to save up money,
when our best friend family (the dad)
(works as a computer tech)
calls up Song and asks if she would like an OLD
It's WinXP.
The business he works for was replacing a large number of computers,
and told him he could give away the units.
We had a spare monitor,
she bought the keyboard, mouse, and speakers.

Scholar was also able to get a computer at the same time,
but it isn't hooked to the internet.
My dad was replacing his computer,
and had set up the old one as a "kids computer" downstairs.
It died.
So he is using the keyboard, mouse, monitor, and speakers.

So that's how we ... a family below poverty level ...
happens to own 6 computers.


This is what the school room looked like last Sunday.

Above is my table,
where I do most of my work.
I'll be moving to this side,
as the far side of the table wasn't working well.

are desks for Song, Scholar, and Story.
Can you see the 3 desks?

We were delighted to find this in our garden.
I didn't know banana peppers turned red?!

I should have put it in for the color post!

Sunshine being naughty.
We put up a blanket because the downstairs is kept at 84,
and the upstairs at 79.
But the kids can not resist twisting themselves up.

By Thursday...
the room looked like this.

Scholars desk was gone,
and we had a lot of empty drawers -
which we (mostly Song) used to sort the seeming endless finds of
pencils, pens (we've since thrown over half away),
markers, crayons, staples, tape, etc.
Post it notes, 3x5 cards, and so much more.

Between my 30 years of collecting things,
and my mom's 30 years of collecting things ...
well ....
there was a LOT.

My side of the desk was starting to shape up.
There REALLY WAS a table there!
Sunshine's desk.
Scholar's desk.

I even have 6 drawers - I'm going to try to do some version of Work Boxes.
My goal is to have 9 drawers.
For both Scholar and Sunshine.
We sorted toys and placed them under the table.
We kept the Duplo Legos, Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys,
and Waffle Blocks.  The kitchen will be in here too.
There are also the Leapfrog Magnets,
Peek a Boo Blocks,
and a Leap Pad for Scholar,
and a My First Leappad for Sunshine.

Amazing what you accumulate over 20 years -
some is mine,
some was from my folks collection.
Scholar's computer.
This will be moved.
Friday - Scholar went looking for his alphabet.
He found an A.
This is Story.
She's doing the dishes.
That's what she said when I asked her.
I found Song doing something strange.
I asked her why.
She held up this clothes pen.

Yeah, I'll post pictures tomorrow.
Sunshine took care of her baby all day.
She always make sure her baby is in it's car seat,
before pushing the stroller.
This strange beast showed up.
Just can't get enough of this smile.
See - we found the table Saturday night.
we got Scholar's computer moved.
I still have all of this to work my way through.
a lot more.
Now to tackle these drawers.

It's going to be so nice to have all of this sorted out
before we start the year!
These pictures were sent with Picasa, from Google. Try it out here:

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