
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Goal Setting For September 2012

 I live in two fully furnished homes - my trailer, and then my Dad's house next door, which consists of 2 trailers, one lower than the other, hence a downstairs and upstairs level.  He no longer lives there after remarrying about a year ago.  A relative is moving into Dad's house this fall, and we have to make room for her.  We are really looking forward to her arrival!  She will live upstairs, and we will continue to use the downstairs.

Without further ado ... here is my "VCR style plan" for the month of August.  It's rather short and not much to it ... but some of these goals are going to be quite time consuming.

Blogging -

1.  Kiddos With Kindles - Write at least 25 Daily Kindle posts (that allows me to forgive myself if I miss a few).  
2.  Eagle Nest - Write at least 25 Other Posts on Homeschooling, Crafts, and such. 
3.  O 'Scarlett - Write at least 12 book reviews  (I'm not worried about setting a book reading goal - I already have 40 books that I need to write up!)  
4.  Wings - my personal scrapbooking blog - Write at least 8 posts and 1 Family News Update.  
5.  At least once a week, visit other blogs and leave comments, and visit Blog Frog.  

Project School Room - and Household Shuffle
1.  Story gets her room and bathroom finished organized.
2.  Ref moved into a new office space.
3.  After the ref has moved and rehooked the internet to downstairs, get all of our computers moved downstairs  
4.  Work some more on Sunshine's room - try to find and localize the items that will be in her room.
5.  Paint Scholars new Room
6.  Move Scholar into his room and get it organized for him - go through his clothes as we move them.
7.  Get the master bedroom closets and dressers purged and organized.

We are actually gaining a room in all of this shuffling - so I am hoping that some of the "homeless" items will actually find a home!  Plus eventually, I do have a storage spot that I've been trying to empty for the last 8 years so my sister can use it as she needs to.  I keep telling myself this - even though we have gained almost 2 rooms of items that need a new home.

Project Aunt V.
1.  Empty the bunk house -  Sell the baby bed.  
2.  Redo the Bunk house bathroom and any repairs that need to be done in the room.  Put a door back onto this room.
3.  Empty the Master Bedroom.  
4.  Help Dad do the repair work on bathrooms and bedrooms whenever he is here. 
5.  Sort pictures and papers so they can be easily stored to go through at a later date.  -  About 70% finished.
6.  Get school stuff organized and ready to start half days of school
7.  Decide between sibs where things can be relocated or stored, and who can best use things.  
8.  Get with sibs at least 4 times to go through things that need to leave the house.
9.  Help get stuff ready to be sold or donated.

1.  Keep using up the food in the freezers.
2.  Go through freezers again later this month and refill the ones next door.   
3.  Empty the downstairs frig so it can be moved upstairs.
4.  Make meal plans to use up as much odds and ends of stored food as possible.  

1.  Deep clean as each room/ space is cleared.  
2.  Get the main kitchen under control - easier said than done - the table takes up most of the room.  Must decided on new floorplan for kitchen/dining/living rooms - it's all one BIG room. 
3.  Find a board to put under the foot of my bed - so it doesn't go through the floorboard anymore.   (Somebody tell me why they put particle board in trailer homes - it gets wet, turns to flaky sawdust, and disintegrates!)

1.  Sort the school books into grade levels and get them into a usable arrangement.
2.  Organize the desks and stuff in the room 
3.  Bring Sunshine's kitchen downstairs for play.
4.  Set up an area for the tiny TV for educational videos.   Maybe put this where the frig WAS at downstairs, and kids can sit on the steps to watch?
5.  Find somebody to cut the chalk board in half - get half up in Story's room for her, and the other half up in the school room.
6.  Find someplace to put up the posters and charts in the room - or find them a new home.

Facebook and Email -
Goal is to check no more than 5 times a day.  

1.  Be in bed before Midnight - WITH the lights off. 
2.  Have all of the kids in bed by 10pm - and asleep.
3.  More consistent devotional times.
4.  Loose 10 lbs. 
5.  No eating after 8pm.
6.  Walk a mile or so at least 4 times each week.  Goal is to work  up to 2 miles by October 1. 
7.  Get a schedule in place for chores and routines for the household (minus the Ref).  And get it posted somewhere.

1.  Isolate all of the cards and addresses from the last year or two into a findable location.
2.  Find the Christmas cards and put them with the address pile.
3.  Research ideas for Acts of Service Coupons.
4.  Research ideas for other gifts to give for Christmas.

Find and enter birthday information into the Reminder program that I found to use.

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