
Thursday, June 28, 2012

What We Are Buying for Our School Year 2012 - 2013

Buying school books each year is expensive, especially when you don't have a job.  So we make do, reuse, and fill in the gaps with online and library materials where we need to.  We're only halfway through our last school year ... we got behind a few years ago with deaths, births, and car accidents, and then a bit farther behind with the Ref's heart attack last year. ... So our new school year will start in January 2013 for Story and Song instead of September.  ...  Still we Usually purchase our curriculum in April to take advantage of the huge discounts.

When curriculum "doesn't work" and money is tight, you don't have the luxury of going shopping for something different.  So I learned to alter the curriculum that I did have to suit our needs.  My first several tries were nearly disasters - and I had to redo and rethink my plan several times.
Once you get the hang of altering a curriculum to suit your needs - it's very easy, and you will start to just do it on the fly.  But there is that learning curve, and just like not everyone can knit - not everyone can take their curriculum for a drive off the beaten path.

I remember back when I was a stickler for following all the rules - every problem on every page had to be completed.  ... We spun in the mud and got nowhere.

Anyway .....

THIS is what we have to order for THIS next year for school.  Usually it's been long ordered by now ... but although we have sold things several times to come up with the $50, each time, something comes up and the money gets spent on the more urgent matter.

But God always provides what we need in his own time.  I'm mostly curious who he will use this year to fill in the gaps for us.


We usually call in our order to Rod and Staff.  It is a small Mennonite company that sells mostly to their own small schools.  But they also have a thriving business to homeschoolers.  We like the depth and the  price of these books.

Scholar still needs the following

There are 5 Reading workbooks and 5 Phonics workbooks that go along with the 5 Readers.  Buying those is a NEED.  Each of the books will run an average of $4 - $5 or so each.
For a few more weeks, there is a 10% off sale.

The 5 Reader Workbooks

And 3 Phonics Workbooks

Song needs ...

 the 7th Grade English Worksheets.  Which it appears I forgot to order last year (and she's starting this book TODAY!)

under $3.

As well as need the 8th Grade English worksheets and Tests  $5 for both

As well as the 7th Grade READING Worksheets

For Sunshine ....

(Although I just realized that I don't need the "Doing My Best" ... I already have one.

Scholar seems to be taking to English easily.  I might start him on it later in the year.  I own that hard back book set as well, so all I would NEED is the test booklet.

Grade 2 Reading Workbook Unit 1
Grade 2 Reading Workbook Unit 2
Grade 2 Reading Workbook Unit 3
Grade 2 Reading Workbook Unit 4
Grade 2 Reading Workbook Unit 5
Grade 2 Phonics Workbook Unit 1
Grade 2 Phonics Workbook Units 2,3
Grade 2 Phonics Workbook Units 4,5
Grade 7 Reading Workbook
Grade 7 English Worksheets
Grade 8 English Worksheets
Grade 8 English Tests
Grade 2 English Tests
About Three - Preschool Activity Workbook
Bigger Steps - Preschool Activity Workbook
Color, Count, and Cut - Preschool Activity Workbook
Subtotal (16 items net wt. 7.38 lbs)

We missed the 10% off a few weeks ago.

It's really a small order this year.  I've worked hard over the years to buy reusable curriculum, and my ability to rework what isn't working into something that does has helped save me from buying a second or third curriculum during the year.


While helping a friend come up with her own order, she offered to tack on this book for Sunshine on her order, while it was 20% off in April.   Sunshine will do this twice a week.

Later, I will tell you what each of the kids will be doing next year for school.

I do happen to have a second English 7th Grade Curriculum set (Pupil and Student book only)  from Rod and Staff that we accidently bought twice.  (Never send a teenager to check to see if you have their curriculum on the shelf already.)  ...  But we can sell one of the two used sets at a discount - $30 plus shipping.   If anyone is interested, leave a comment and make sure you have an email address in the form for me to contact you, and I'll send pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Wow..I was not homeschooled, nor did we homeschool. I am in awe of those who do. I can't image my mom/dad being able to afford it with 6 of us kids and one income. I never gave any thought to all the expenses you need to layout. Sounds like you do such a great job.
