
Monday, May 20, 2013

G is for Grow Garden


G is for Grow Garden

We used Green for Grow - like in the wordless books

Then I used potpourri that I had on hand
The kids picked out what they wanted to glue down,
though I had to keep removing the pine cones and nuts
which were much too heavy for the construction paper.

We left them on the window to dry.

First we discussed the wordless book ...

When we reached the color GREEN,
we spent quite a while talking about how to GROW
once you ask Jesus into your heart and let his blood wash away your sins.

Read the Bible
Sing Praise Songs
Go to church
Obey Parents and Teacher

We also talked about the Garden of Eden,
and how SIN had entered the world.

we talked about the New Heaven and the New Earth,
and how God will make the whole earth brand new again.

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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Interesting Posts and Notes

I finally settled on Feedly for my new RSS Feed Reader ... not as fast as my Google Reader ... but it is working.

My daughters just like to browse their friends blogs ... so they chose News Squares - ... which is a Chrome App.

Click through on the titles or pictures below for the full articles.

ABC’s of Motherhood (For You, on Mother’s Day)

12 ways to raise strong daughters |


One parents' experience with allergy testing ... I found this especially interesting because Story would become extremely ADHD behavior every time she had any milk products - even a tiny amount.  Sometimes she would also suffer a horrible "diaper rash" 48 hours after consuming the milk product - usually blisters that would go all the way up her back and stomach and would disappear as rapidly as they arrived 36 hours after they erupted - the only trace of their existence was the scabby sores left from the blisters that had popped.    It took me over a year to figure out what was causing the rashes.  ...  BUT  people would laugh when I told them about her behavior issues, because it was rare to associate behavior as part of allergy symptoms.

(The parameters they have to determine this do not include parents who prefer homeschooling ... but it is still an interesting list).

Why parents should leave their kids alone

When Your Homeschooled Child Doesn’t Like to Read

How to raise and encourage your young writer

Ways to Save Money Before You Buy Homeschool Curriculum

The ABC's of a Godly Mother

Debra Bell's Homeschool Planners for Parents and Students - @apologiaworld #mosaicreviews


(you really should be aware of this case ... at first glance it doesn't seem to be important to homeschoolers in America - but this is a crucial battle - it is a stepping stone for homeschooling to become illegal in the USA, by denying that parents have a right and obligation to determine how and where their children should be educated.)

FREE Math Placement Test

Notebooking Journal

God help us if we don’t learn from Gosnell’s crimes

Information about "Common Core"
If you home school - you NEED to be fighting this.   Learn what it is and why it is so dangerous.

And some of you might remember Kevin Sorbo of Hercules fame?  His wife homeschools their 3 kids and they are quite conservative.
Recently she has posted several posts about Common Core.

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Sunday, May 12, 2013

F is for Fire

For F is for Fire

We gave the kids a "fire colored" F
(ours were yellow and red, but orange could work)

Then we gave them a pair of scissors and small chunks
(left over from previous projects)
of orange, red, and yellow scraps.

We put glue all over the letter,
and let them cut giblets and glue them down. 

The really enjoyed the creative freedom of this project.


We studied quite a few stories and concepts ..

1.  Cain and Abel's sacrifice
2.  Noah's sacrifice after the flood
3.  The concept of sacrifice
4.  Elijah and the priests of Baal
5.  3 Men in the Fiery Furnace
6.  Worshiping Idols
7.  Concept of Hell and punishment for sin


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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Interesting Posts and Notes

These are a few links/articles that I've ran across this week that may be of interest to others.   Please skim and enjoy.

Also, I am in search of a new RSS Feed Reader ... Google Reader will be discontinuing their feed on July 1.
What I am looking for...
1.  Easy to add and remove a feed.
2.  Simple and uncluttered.
3.  Pulls the entire article and not just a few lines.
4.  Easy to enlarge the print
5.  Online.
6.  Able to mark off what I have read, and leave the rest for later ... as I typically have over 100 blogs that I follow, and do a rapid skim over the 200 or so new posts daily, then come back on Sunday Afternoons and some evenings to read what is left.
Some articles about other RSS Feed Readers

When Your Homeschooled Child Doesn’t Like to Read

Basic Kindergarten Readiness Skills

Coffee Filter Crafts – Snail Suncatchers

coffee filter snail suncatcher craft for kids

from Parental

Sidewalk Chalk – 4 Letter Activities

outdoor activities for kids


Window Tracing on a Sunny Day by Teach Preschool

How to Arrange a Personal Library 

North American English Dialects, Based on Pronunciation Patterns

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Sunday, May 5, 2013

E is for Eternal

for our E word.

We discussed that God was eternal,
that he didn't have parents or a beginning,
and that he would never die.

We also discussed heaven and living for eternity.
We briefly mentioned hell as well for balance,
but as the preschool/kindergarten age are sensitive
to "scary details" - I chose to not elaborate.

We talked about some symbols for eternal,
such a a line that could go on forever,
or counting forever,
or a circle that just goes around and around.

We chose YELLOW for our letter E
to remind the kids of the color of GOLD and Heaven.

We did "5 Golden Rings" ...
bet you can guess why?


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