
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kids in the Kitchen: Story and Song

Teaching Home Ec is almost a lost art in the PSS (public school system),
and many kids (boys and girls) are not getting it at home either.

Years ago, I joined Flylady ... and I was struck by the huge number of women
who just didn't know HOW to cook and clean and plan ahead,
and the nearly constant streams of
"I wish I had learned this as a child."

And so I doubled my efforts to teach my children to be adults when they grow up.

What do I want my kids to grow up to be?

Grown Up Adults.

And one thing that means is knowing what to do in the kitchen.

When Story was born, we lived in a small town house,
but it had a great kitchen,
and Story spent a great deal of her time
under my feet.

She learned to stack using my plastic containers,
and was helping load the dishwasher before she was a year old.
(not anything dangerous)

By the time Song was born,
she considered herself quite the chef ...

She loved cleaning the floors,
and if soap and water wasn't around,
Crisco would do just fine.

(Ironically, my mom has a similar picture of me at about the same age.)

And the very next morning, she made up
for her mistake be cooking pancakes for breakfast.

Never mind the milk and eggs ...
she could reach the pancake mix!

She had a tea party nearly every day.
and sometimes, she even had real friends over
to practice her serving skills.

It wasn't long before Song was included in
Story's shenanigans.
Story was a natural teacher,
and Song was eager to learn.

Story especially liked to help make bread,
and loved to dress up and smell the bread
while it cooled.
Bread Machine's are wonderful.

Story's towers got more elaborate.

By age 5,
we let them start learning knife skills.
Story loved using the knife to cut all of the soft items for the table,
pickles for hamburgers,
bananas for cereal,
cucumbers and olives for salads.

By age 6, she was  using a "real knife"
to cut celery, tomatoes, and lettuce.

My mom decorated cakes.
So she often let the girls use up the left over cake pieces and colors
to practice making their own cakes.

We gardened.
Well, actually - we assisted relatives

At that point in time, we were "homeless".
I'll have to tell that story someday.

Story discovered that the LOVED to shell peas.
She STILL loves to shell peas and beans.
She says it is relaxing.
Which is really something coming from a child
with ADHD.

Another attempt at a cake for the Ref's birthday.
Song did the Winnie the Pooh
Story has the Ref playing golf and has a basket ball hoop.

And cakes for Aunt's birthdays.
She didn't make the whole cake here,
but Gram let her fill in all of the large pieces.

Kids and Kitchens
it worked for us!

Favorite Meals
(they cook)


For more ideas
Follow the Linky List
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Knitted by God's Plan: May 29 - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Story writes up a Birthday Author post whenever there is an author available.
She features prominent authors and links to their books - the free ones if they are available on Amazon.

Today is May 29 ... Happy Birthday Gilbert Keith Chesterton!

Knitted by God's Plan: May 29 - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

You can also find his books on Gutenberg -

There are also many of his books recorded as audio at  under G. K. Chesterton.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Knitted by God's Plan: May 28 - Thomas Moore

Knitted by God's Plan: May 28 - Thomas Moore

This is Story's blog ... and she's been rounding up books of famous authors.  Today's birthday is Thomas Moore.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Cousin Crowd

When my family gets together,
this is what the Cousin Crowd looks like.

Story is the oldest at 17.

And Quarter is the youngest at 1.

Of course one sister and her dozen children are missing,
and she has 2 younger than Quarter.

But this is the local bunch.

This is 4 families

Mine you've met.

Then one group are the 3 Grubs and Bali Girl.
Then there are the 4 Princesses.
And then then 5 more.

You wouldn't believe the 
games and stories that they come up with....

Aren't cousins grand!

Peaking at the Moon with a Telescope

Some friends of our have a telescope. 

They brought it up and we spent hours staring out into space.
Taking turns.

Here are some pictures I found on my 
camera the next morning.

Friday, May 25, 2012

May 25th - Books by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Knitted by God's Plan: May 25th - Books by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Story's Author of the Day .... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Pick up a few of his books/ essays for Free (always).

Homeschool Graduate: Meet Kate Fridkis, Who Skipped K-12 and Is Neither Weird nor Homeless | Psychology Today

Meet Kate Fridkis, Who Skipped K-12 and Is Neither Weird nor Homeless | Psychology Today

A story about a homeschool Graduate - Unschooling Method

Please let me know if you would like your child featured .... or if you know of an article to feature

1.  Must be at least 22 years old.
2.  Must have been homeschooled through Jr. High and High School.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Advertisement - Fundraiser: This One's Mine

My AUNT and UNCLE have a small boutique business for children's clothing and monogrammed items.

Each summer - they go with their church team to a small orphanage in Latvia.  They usually  raise much of their own cost for the travel and expenses.  This store is one of the ways they raise money for their trips.

You can visit their Facebook Page .... This One's Mine

Or her Etsy Page ..... This One's Mine

Some of my favorites!

But the bulk of her business - the item descriptions - fabric selections - embroidery patterns - and more .... are on her FB page.

They have a TON of pictures up for fabric and styles - but they are on the page, and not in an album.

The nieces and nephews LOVE  their Aunt Cindy creations ....   Here are a few she's made for us over the past year or two.   ....   Mostly she sews for children under 7, but you can see she is great for making matching sets for siblings or families.